I've wanted to blog forever, mostly about projects I'm working on, so today here I am! I think this'll be my knitting and sewing project blog. As we speak, I'm working on dd16mos's baby quilt, which I hope to get done before she turns two. It's a stunning quilt, made from bali fabrics, all hand pieced w/lots of curves and points. A challenge for me, but I started when I was prg. with this sweet dd.
I also have outstanding knitting projets:
tights for me from the ez's _The Opinionated Knitter_. I'm making them from a lovely greyish tweed that Heidi bequeathed to me before she left for Florida.
merino socks from a lovely handdye by Cherry Tree Hill. These socks have been my travelling companion, but I haven't been out of the house much lately, kwim?
Sewing Projects:
There are many, but,
*Soft leather baby shoes for Abbey for her first bday. They're black and purple. Need to finish by Sunday.
* 2 hooded tshirts for dd9 and me. The fabric is a "way cool" sky blue tye dye from Fabric.com, one of my fave fabric haunts.
Big News: Caroline is getting a digi cam! Whoo Hoo! Dh bought it for me for Christmas. Got a good deal on a cute Nikon Coolpix S1 at Amazon.com. I also got a memory card and a Johnny Cash boxed set CD. Been craving a little Johnny Cash lately.