Wednesday, December 26, 2007

more completed projects

mk sports a new "unnershirt" that i made from an old tshirt. the tshirt was a nice quality cotton/lycra, so i couldn't resist it.

my friend diane is modelling a dirndl i made using a burda costume pattern. i think she gives the st. pauli girl a run for her money. yay, diane!

11yo dlb looks very happy in her xmas dress, made entirely from jaf fabrics. she made the sash herself. i designed this in child's play. it has some issues, but i'm still happy with it. the skirt is a full circle, and man, does it twirl! reminds me of a ginger rogers dress.

the lame blogger

I'm back! here are some pics of recent finished objects. i finally completed this knitted dress for 11yo dd, thanks to a free pattern from Peggy at chasing bunny.