Saturday, December 31, 2005

My Family & DS's Jammies

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In light of the terrible pix in my last post, I thought I'd share a family shot, one of the few we have.

This was taken last August when my dss graduated from basic. That's him between dh & me. In the front are ds6, dd9, and I'm holding ddtoddler.

Here is my ds wearing some jammies I made him, and another of him wearing a hoodie from the same fabric. The fabric is from We love tie dye in our family. The patterns are from KSSFC.

Soft Leather Baby Shoes

Today I made not just one, but two pairs of soft leather baby shoes for Abbey, who turned one recently. They are so fun to make, it can turn into an obsession. Unfortunately, I have a limited supply of leather, much of which is in not-so-excitng colors. I got this pattern from the nmsl friends website. It's fairly simple. Here are a couple of pix, not that clear, but better than nothing.

The pair at left is from shiney black leather; the flower is lavender; the center is a deep purple.

My second pair (right hand corner) I did in a smaller size. They're medium blue with a red flower, white center. I think these are the better looking pair. Again, apologizes for the bad pix. Digi camera is coming soon!

Friday, December 30, 2005

My First Blog

I've wanted to blog forever, mostly about projects I'm working on, so today here I am! I think this'll be my knitting and sewing project blog. As we speak, I'm working on dd16mos's baby quilt, which I hope to get done before she turns two. It's a stunning quilt, made from bali fabrics, all hand pieced w/lots of curves and points. A challenge for me, but I started when I was prg. with this sweet dd.

I also have outstanding knitting projets:

tights for me from the ez's _The Opinionated Knitter_. I'm making them from a lovely greyish tweed that Heidi bequeathed to me before she left for Florida.

merino socks from a lovely handdye by Cherry Tree Hill. These socks have been my travelling companion, but I haven't been out of the house much lately, kwim?

Sewing Projects:

There are many, but,

*Soft leather baby shoes for Abbey for her first bday. They're black and purple. Need to finish by Sunday.

* 2 hooded tshirts for dd9 and me. The fabric is a "way cool" sky blue tye dye from, one of my fave fabric haunts.

Big News: Caroline is getting a digi cam! Whoo Hoo! Dh bought it for me for Christmas. Got a good deal on a cute Nikon Coolpix S1 at I also got a memory card and a Johnny Cash boxed set CD. Been craving a little Johnny Cash lately.