Thursday, April 26, 2007

a few bags finished

here are some bags i've done recently. the dick and jane one is the amy butler "ultimate craft bag" pattern. not sure if i like it yet, but it's going to be my knitting bag! it was hard to cut up the fabric, i felt guilty when i had to break up their trio or cover their faces. :-) not sure if this was the best fabric choice either, but it was a fun project to make anyhow. one thing i changed was that i lined all the pockets. i find i really like lined pockets. they are so much more classy than the standard press down the seam allowance and sew on type, imo.

the three little ones are made from molly kate's first sling. the fabric was so gorgeous that i saved it, even though it was worn out. i found this free pattern on the web: . i've always wanted a little pocket bag for passports and tickets when travelling. i liked the pattern so much i made three of them. don't ask me why.

finally, as a bonus, here is a pic of the dks after a badly needed haircut last week. thanks, lisa!

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