Monday, January 09, 2006

More Creations!

I made this for Diana, age 9. I really like the brightly colored fabric. I used my Child's Play pattern making software from Wild Ginger. I tried to do a flouncy, ruffley collar. Didn't turn out quite perfect, but Diana still likes it. It has a very high "twirly" factor. I just love to sew for my kidlets.

Here's an apron I did from the Blooming Apron pattern. My Pfaff was in the shop, so I did this on my featherweight. I had never pieced flowers like those before. I also enjoyed using my bias tape maker for this project. I bought the main fabric in Columbus, Georgia at a fabric store that specializes in children's heirloom clothing.
naay, but they do mail order.
This is prolly more than you want to know about my sewing, but here ya go.

1 comment:

rowena___. said...

ok everybody, i got to see this dress in person and it is ADORABLE. caroline you are too modest, you did a great job on it.